Stories of Home
We have traveled across provinces, countries and continents,
but our hearts carry the memories of our first homes. The smells,
tastes, colours, sounds and people we have encountered along
the way connect us to our heritage and identity and
give meaning to our journey.
Stories of Home is a space for sharing some of these
cherished memories and experiences.

In this section you'll meet some of the people who
work and study at Sheridan. You'll learn about the
places we are from, our memories, hopes and dreams.

A Collection of Stories
In this section we've gathered some of the tiny stories of the
people we love, poetry we've written about our homes,
nostalgic stories of years gone by and the turning points in our lives.

My Tiny Love Story
I was 18 when I met my first and last love. The moment I saw him, I fell in love. When I looked into his eyes, he took me to another world.
He has stood with me throughout all the challenges I faced in my life. He supports me in every step I take, and my hope is that we continue our happy life together, with our three beautiful children.
- Anonymous
My Tiny Love Story
I was born in El Salvador. My grandmother took care of me when I was a baby, as my mother needed to work. At that time, in the 1980s, there was a war in my country. Very dangerous times.
One day, my grandmother took me to the river. She had laundry to do. Suddenly, bullets started flying in our direction. My grandmother ran to me and covered me in a tight hug, but one bullet hit her. She died that day. My grandmother loved me so much, that she kept me safe until her last breath.
- Maria Tobias
My Tiny Love Story
In February 2006, when I tried to sell my house, I met a woman named Yreida. She came to look at the house. We talked about everyone and everything, except about selling the house. When we finished our meeting, I was already in love, and I asked her if she would marry me. She is my wife now, and the rest is history.
- Vicente Giordano
My Tiny Friendship Story
It was my first day in Canada. I met her while I was at the mall, looking for a place to buy my morning coffee. She was standing in front of a store, waiting for her husband to pick her up. The way she was dressed looked so similar to mine, and she felt so familiar. She saw me look at her and she smiled, which encouraged me to step forward and talk to her. “Do you know if there’s any coffee shop around here?” I asked her timidly. “Is this your first time at this mall?” she replied, and I felt encouraged to talk with her and tell her I was brand new to Canada. We discovered we were from the same country. We exchanged phone numbers and met many times after that, at least twice a week, and we shared our experiences as newcomers to Canada. We became very close friends. It’s been five years since I came to Canada, but we are still close to each other, even though we now live in different cities. I really appreciate our friendship and I consider her a gift from God.
- Alshyma Bashir
Where I am from...
Explore the hearts on the map below to learn
more about the places we hold dear.
Poetry by: Claudia Cirip, Diana Catargiu, Hayley Goodwin,
Heba Darwich, Hei Lam Kwok, Hetvi Dhimar,
Kawther Ramadan, Lama Al Estwani, Maryse Prazuch, Nataly Shaheen, RCK,
Ruba Kallab, Sara Machan, Sachee Ranaweera, Stephanie Samboo,
Suzanne Soares, Tania Meridew, Tessie Phan
In this section we showcase the beautiful
artwork of our students and faculty.

About us
Stories of Home is a place for listening to and sharing our stories. It elevates the voices of students, faculty and staff in the ESL and TESOL Plus programs at Sheridan College. It inspires connectivity, empathy and understanding. It builds connections and elevates a sense of pride in our heritage and identity. It promotes equity and inclusion. It brings students, faculty and staff together.
Stories of Home are our stories to tell.
This creative project was made possible by the Sheridan community of students, faculty and staff in the ESL, TESOL Plus and Journalism programs at Sheridan College.
If you’d like to get in touch and/or submit your work for this website, please email storiesofhome@sheridancollege.ca